Evaluate The Following Algebratic Expression, (1.)2\Xd7 + 3 Where \Xd7 = 2, A.4 B.2 C.7, (2.)3y\Xb2 + 2y - 6where Y = 4, A.50 B.60 C.70, (3.)3\Xd7 - 2y + 4

Evaluate the following algebratic expression

(1.)2× + 3 where × = 2
a.4 b.2 c.7
(2.)3y² + 2y - 6where y = 4
a.50 b.60 c.70
(3.)3× - 2y + 4if × = -2 and y = -4
a.2 b.6 c.8
(4.)8αb + 3αbc - 10 if α = 1,b = 2,c = 3
a.20 b.24 c.18
(5.)α² - 2αb - 3αb if α= -2 and b = 5
a.54 b. 58 c.64


1. c.7

2. A. 50

3. B.6

4. B.24

5.a. 54

Step-by-step explanation:1. 2(2)+3= 7

2. 3(4)²+2(4)-6=50

3. 3(-2)-2(-4)+4=6

4. 8(1)(2)+3(1)(2)(3)-10=24

5.(-2)²-2(-2)(5)-3(-2)(5)= 54

hope it helps
