A Certain Baldwin Predicted That There Will Come Two Strong Storms In 2022..Do You Believe Her? Why Yes..Or Why No..Support Your Answer...Why Is It Necessa

A certain Baldwin predicted that there will come two strong storms in 2022..Do you believe her? Why yes..or why no..support your answer...why is it necessary to prepare before a typhoon..and what are the kits that you must prepare in order to survive after the typhoon...What device will you invent...i drawing ito...that will be of use after the typhoon,earthquake or other disasters.


i think people who can see the future incident is a blessing because they can tell us what will happen next and it will make us more aware and much prepared..

moving on to why is it necessary to prepare before a typhoon??

we all know that typhoon isnt just an ordinary rain ...its 5× much worse ...

And of course we cant prepare when we are in the middle typhoon ...

Preparing before typhoon is necessary because our life depends on it ...

for example : if we dont bring food with us during typhoon what we will eat ..were going to starve and it leads to death..

Things you should prepare before a typhoon..

papers; birth certificate, marriage certificate,etc.

food : canned goods, Biscuits, etc.




first aid( in case of emergency)
