5. Why Is The Male Reproductive System Important? 6. Why Are The Testes Considered To Be An Important Organ Of The Male Reproductive System? 7. Why Do The

5. Why is the male reproductive system important? 6. Why are the testes considered to be an important organ of the male reproductive system? 7. Why do the testes need to have a lower temperature than the rest of the body?


see answer below


5. Why is the male reproductive system important?

     -  They produce, keep up with and transport sperm (the male conceptive cells) and semen (the defensive liquid around sperm). They release sperm into the female regenerative parcel. They produce and discharge male sex chemicals.

6. Why are the testes considered to be an important organ of the male reproductive system?

      - The testicles, or gonads, are male sex organs that assume a significant part in the conceptive framework. They are the site of sperm creation and are likewise answerable for the development of testosterone. Testosterone is a steroid chemical that is significant for various physical processes, not simply sex drive and sperm advancement.

7. Why do the testes need to have a lower temperature than the rest of the body?

      - The testicles isnt the one that has lower temperature than the remainder of the body, its the scrotum, which is a couple of pocket like sacs and it additionally fills in as the skin covering of the testicles. It controls its temperature in light of the fact that the testicles should be marginally cooler than the body to deliver sperm cells.

